Upsala Area Schools is taking quotes for the removal and disposal of playground equipment. Must receive quotes by Friday April 1st. Please send quotes to: Upsala Area Schools Attn: Vern Capelle PO Box 190 Upsala MN 56384,
almost 3 years ago, Dan Cheney
Parent/Teacher Conferences tonight from 3:30-7:30pm. Be sure to pick up a couple items from the Upsala Dollars for Scholars bake sale as well!
almost 3 years ago, Dan Cheney
Parent/Teacher Conferences
UC-Botics, the Upsala Robotics team left this morning at 9am to hit Grand Forks ND by storm! The road was very breezy today but the kids made it safely! Pit is setup and they are ready to compete! Schedules will be shared out when made available. #learn487
almost 3 years ago, Curtis Robertson
students working in an arena
trailer of robotics
Parents - if you child uses a Chromebook from the school you may have received an overdue notice for it. That was a glitch in the system and can be ignored. Students can keep their devices through the end of the school year.
almost 3 years ago, Dan Cheney
We have finalized how many copies of the Yearbook and Memory Book will be printed, and there are now about 20 copies of each left on a first-come, first-serve basis. When they are gone, they're gone. Order online at Delivery will be at the end of May.
almost 3 years ago, Dan Cheney
Yearbook & Memory Book
UC-Botics is working hard to prepare for their competition next week! Here students are working on various projects including building the robot, making buttons, and preparing a drivers station. #learn487 @UCBotics #OMGRobots
almost 3 years ago, Curtis Robertson
students making buttons
students building robot
student building a stand
Mrs Robertson’s FCS class researched, planned, and prepared recipes of Italian Cuisine. #Learn487 #CTE
almost 3 years ago, Curtis Robertson
students cooking over stove
students cooking over stove
students in line dishing food
There is a Youth Cookie Decorating Class scheduled for after school on March 29. It's for students in grades K-8 and costs $20 (which includes all supplies and ingredients). Visit our website for more info and to register:
almost 3 years ago, Dan Cheney
Cookie Decorating
Registration is now open for spring session piano lessons. Half hour lessons available on Tue & Thu after school starting April 5. Register online here:
almost 3 years ago, Dan Cheney
Piano Lessons
Mr. Robertson’s tech ex class had an opportunity to travel to Felling Trailers and to tour the facility as well as do the hands on Welding experience. #learn487
almost 3 years ago, Curtis Robertson
students learning about welding
students welding
students touring fabrication shop
students welding
Welcome Class of 2035! Kindergarten Round Up 2022!
almost 3 years ago, Dan Cheney
Kindergarten Round-Up
The Upsala FCS class lead by Mrs Robertson was doing their pancake lab learning how ingredients interact and affect food when cooking and baking. #learn487 #STEM
almost 3 years ago, Curtis Robertson
kids making pancakes
kids making pancakes
Due to the snow day on 2/22/22, and in accordance with the adopted 2021-2022 school calendar, the Mid-Semester break scheduled for March 21st will now be a normal school day.
almost 3 years ago, Gina Gross
Upsala Elementary School will be holding Kindergarten Round Up on Friday, March 4th at 8:30 a.m. Students that turn 5 before September 1st are eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 22-23 school year. If you, or someone you know has a child that will be eligible to attend that are not currently enrolled in a program at Upsala Area Schools or if you would like more information, please contact us at 320-573-2174 or e-mail
almost 3 years ago, Gina Gross
Kindergarten Round Up, Friday March 4th
The senior auction benefitting Dollars for Scholars has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 1 after the boys basketball game.
about 3 years ago, Dan Cheney
Senior Auction
Upsala Area Schools will be Two Hours Late Tomorrow, Due to the weather, and to give plows a chance to clear the roads. There will also be no AM Cardinal Club. Thank You!
about 3 years ago, Curtis Robertson
All games and activities have been canceled for today Tuesday February 22nd.
about 3 years ago, Sherry Soltis
Upsala Area Schools will be closed Tuesday due to the weather. No cardinal club, no before or after school activities or practices.
about 3 years ago, UC-Botics
All afternoon activities have been canceled. No girls basketball game, no boys basketball practice and no elementary boys or girls basketball practice. for Monday February 21st.
about 3 years ago, Sherry Soltis
Boys basketball practice has been canceled for today Monday February 21st.
about 3 years ago, Sherry Soltis