Dollars For Scholars
Upsala Dollars for Scholars is always looking for new membership. Contact the school if you're interested for more information!
Follow Upsala Dollars for Scholars on their Facebook Page.
Cash Donations
Upsala Dollars for Scholars has been fundraising for our graduating Seniors for 20 years! Over the years, we have held many fundraisers so that we are able to award a scholarship to every Senior who applies. We have not been able to hold most of our fundraisers for the Class of 2021 due to Covid-19. As a result, we are asking you, our community members and graduates, for a donation for this year’s graduates. Here are several options:
Mail a check to school: Upsala Area Schools, PO Box 190, Upsala MN 56384
Drop off cash or check at UAS, 415 S Main Street, Upsala MN
Donate on school website:
go to
click on webstore
log in to web store or create account
click on Shop
click on Donations
click on Fundraiser Donation & complete questions-type in DFS under Fundraiser
Then, give yourself a pat on the back for doing something great for our kids!
Please consider a donation to our UAS Seniors. Maybe you are an Upsala grad who got a little help from DFS when you graduated, or maybe your kids or grandkids did, or maybe you are a generous community member who is willing to help out this year. Whoever you are, THANK YOU! It is appreciated!
[External Dollars for Scholars website]