

Contact Me

Vern Capelle
320-573-2174 ext. 105

Superintendent's Admin. Asst.

Sherry Soltis
320-573-2175 ext. 103

Hello, and Welcome to Upsala Area Schools

My name is Vern Capelle, and I am honored to serve the Upsala Area Schools – ISD 487 as the Superintendent, and in turn serve the communities of Upsala, Bowlus, Grey Eagle, and more. I am endlessly proud of our Districts' academic growth and our community's continuous, outstanding support. At UAS we operate with a passionate, skilled staff dedicated to unlocking the full-potential of each of our students.

Upsala Area Schools has a long, rich history that dates back to 1920, when four separate elementary schools consolidated under one new brick building. Today we continue to seek out technology advancements, programming enhancements, and innovative teaching techniques to not only honor our original graduates, but also to inspire and mold our future generations.

Background Credentials

  • (Graduate) Educational Specialist – Educational Leadership –– Concordia University; St. Paul

  • (Graduate) Master of Arts – Educational Leadership –– Concordia University; St. Paul

  • (Undergraduate) Bachelor of Science – Biology/Secondary Education –– University of Wisconsin; River Falls

From the Superintendent's Desk

Rituals of Spring

As I write this article, the signs of Spring arriving are evident outside. The days are longer, birds are singing and the snow is melting. The rituals of Spring never cease to amaze me and, as a science educator, I can’t help but think of the natural wonders that are prominently displayed each and every day. 

One of the most important Spring rituals that occurs at UAS is the commencement of our graduating seniors. On May 23, 28 seniors will graduate from UAS and we will wish them the best as they embark on the newest stage in their journey through life. A central component of our mission here at UAS is to make sure that each of our graduating seniors is prepared for whatever future path they have selected. This may involve attending a post-secondary institution to receive additional education and/or training in preparation for a desired career, or transitioning directly into the workforce. Whatever option our students choose, we have worked diligently to prepare them for what they will experience.

One of the annual rites of Spring in education that is important for us to be informed about is the work that will take place during this year’s legislative session. The 94th Minnesota Legislature began its regular session on January 14th. With new leadership in the House of Representatives, and Senate, this session began with much turmoil. While the courts have had to provide guidance, it seems that the legislative routines are slowly returning to some form of normalcy.  Legislative priorities that have been identified include flexibility in local control and adequate funding including increases to the basic formula, funding unemployment insurance, eliminating the cross-subsidies and fixing the compensatory aid formula. Additional priorities focus on expanding the educator workforce to alleviate educator shortages that are having profound impacts around the state. Also, this is a budget year so the Legislature will be required to set a budget for the next biennium including how to deal with a projected deficit that is on the horizon. One of the budget items that we will watch closely is how the budget will impact school funding. What does all this mean for us? Well, we’ll have to wait and see what develops over the next few months, but rest assured, we will continue to make decisions that represent what’s best for the students at Upsala Area Schools.

Political advocacy on behalf of our students is something that I take very seriously. The issues that we advocate for are issues that we feel will benefit the students and community. UAS is a member of the Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA) which advocates on behalf of rural school districts around the State of Minnesota. Key education issues that have been identified for this legislative session include the following issues:

  1. Teacher Compensation

  2. Funds for mandates

  3. Close funding gaps

  4. Flexibility and Local Control

For a detailed look at the MREA legislative platform, go to I will be participating in advocacy events at the Capital this Spring by visiting with our legislative representatives, who have been very supportive of our schools and schools in Central Minnesota.

While all of the above issues are important, school funding still remains the number one concern for many rural schools, UAS included. The increases in the General Education Funding formula in recent years have been insufficient. In addition, decreasing enrollment, mandated funding initiatives and equalization adjustments, have been financially challenging for the District. Unfortunately, school funding has not kept pace with inflation since 2003 when the State made the commitment to fund public education through the General Education Formula. This failure to keep pace has led to a greater reliance on local taxpayer support. MREA will be advocating for increases to the General Education Formula and also adding predictable annual increases to allow Districts to forecast their budgets with more accuracy and reliability.

The 94th Minnesota Legislature has a lot of work to do in the next few months. We will be monitoring the progress as the Spring season arrives. We will also continue to work hard to make sure that our students finish the school year successfully. In the meantime, I will be looking out the window...waiting for Spring.

Spring not only brings many changes in our weather, but we also see a number of other events that come with the change of seasons. The winter sports are gearing up for postseason contests. Our arts activities are preparing for Spring contests and performances. The Robotics team is preparing for its major competition and our Spring activities are preparing to begin their seasons. I’ve stated this many times over my career, but I am always amazed at how fast the school year goes. Very soon, the Class of 2025 will celebrate their graduation from Upsala Area Schools. As they go forward on their journeys, we are confident that the education they have received from UAS has prepared them for success and we look forward to their individual accomplishments with gratitude and pride. If you have any questions, or would like more information regarding our programs, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lastly, I want to recognize and congratulate Samantha Pilarski and Paul Blonigen. Sami and Paul will be awarded the Students of Character Award by Region 5 at a banquet in April. These students exemplify the mission, vision and values of Upsala Area Schools and they are very deserving of this award. Congratulations!

Vern Capelle, Ed.S
Superintendent of Schools
Cardinal Pride!!