

Contact Me

Nick Klug
320-573-2174 ext. 105

Principal's Admin. Asst.

Gina Gross
320-573-2175 ext. 101

Welcome Students, I am Here to Serve You

Hello, my name is Nick Klug and this is my space on the UAS website. It is my hope to keep you updated about student-related events, school happenings, student achievements, and most importantly, to act as a liaison between you and your future educational endeavors. Along with being Upsala Area Schools' Principal I also carry the titles of Title IX Officer / Section 504 Coordinator / ADA Coordinator / EEOC Coordinator for our extra curricular organizations.

Background Credentials

  • (Graduate) Educational Specialist – Educational Leadership –– Concordia University; St. Paul – Currently enrolled.

  • (Graduate) Master of Arts – Educational Leadership –– Concordia University; St. Paul

  • (Undergraduate) Bachelor of Science – Social Studies/5-12 Education –– St. Cloud State University; St. Cloud

From the Principal's Desk

Greeting UAS Families,

As I write this newsletter article, the sun is shining and the snow is melting! Hopefully when this reaches you it still feels like spring.


As many of you are aware, cell phones are the current hot button issue at the state legislature when it comes to schools. This fall, our school board approved a cell phone policy in our student/parent handbook. Our policy in Upsala reads that students in grades PreK-8 cannot be on their cell phones during the school day. Students in grades 9-12 can be on them during lunch and during passing time. In mid-March, a survey will be sent to all families in regards to the cell phone policy. I am asking all families to respond to survey so an informed decision can be made on the future of cell phone use in our school. I plan to present the data to the board during the April Board Meeting.

Sourcewell recognizes teachers and support staff in Region 5 with different awards. Teachers are awarded the Educators of Excellence Award and support staff  receive the Pillar of Excellence Award. This year from Upsala, Sourcewell has recognized Kennedy Duclos as an Educator of Excellence. Ms. Duclos is a second grade teacher in the elementary school. Bus Driver Joe Fuchs has been awarded the Pillar of Excellence Award. They will be recognized at a banquet in Brainerd in May. Congratulations to both!

Sourcewell also recognizes students from the Region as well. Two students from Upsala have been selected as Students of Excellence from Upsala. Senior Samantha Pilarksi and Junior Paul Blonigen will represent Upsala Schools at a banquet this spring. Congratulations to both Samantha and Paul! 

Kindergarten Round Up will take place on March 7th. Any student that will turn the age of five by September 1st, 2025 is eligible to attend kindergarten. If your child is not currently enrolled in preschool but you plan to attend kindergarten in Upsala, please contact Gina in the main office: 320-573-2174.

K-12 Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on March 27th and March 31st from 3:30-7:30. More details will be coming in the next few weeks.

Thanks again for all your support! 
Have a great Spring!
Go Cardinals!

Take Care,
Nick Klug
K-12 Principal 
Upsala Area Schools

Electronic Devices (Cell Phones) Policy

1. K-8 Students are prohibited from using cell phones and other electronic communication devices during the school day. 9-12 Students are prohibited from using cell phones and other electronic communication devices during instructional times. All Students may use cell phones before and after school, 9-12 grade students may use cell phones during passing times, and during lunch. Students also are prohibited from using a cell phone or other electronic communication device to engage in conduct prohibited by school district policies including, but not limited to, cheating, bullying, harassment, and malicious and sadistic conduct.

2. If the school district has a reasonable suspicion that a student has violated a school policy, rule, or law by use of a cell phone or other electronic communication device, the school district may search the device.  The search of the device will be reasonably related in scope to the circumstances justifying the search. 

3. Students who use an electronic communication device during the school day and/or in violation of school district policies may be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the school district’s discipline policy.  In addition, a student’s cell phone or electronic communication device may be confiscated by the school district and, if applicable, provided to law enforcement.  Cell phones or other electronic communication devices that are confiscated and retained by the school district will be returned in accordance with school building procedures.

If misuse occurs:

-1st offense-item confiscated by the classroom teacher and given back to the student at the end of the class period.
-2nd offense-item confiscated and given to the office. Items will be returned at the end of the school day.
-3rd offense-item confiscated and given to the office. Items will be returned to the parent/guardian at the end of the school day and two hours detention will be assigned.
-Any offense thereafter may result in the cell phone not being allowed in school.
-Failure to give phone to staff when requested will result in a day of ISS and the phone will be confiscated by Administration. Parents/Guardians will be required to pick up the device. Loss of device privileges may occur.

If an electronic device is confiscated or collected during class, UAS is not responsible if it is damaged, lost, or stolen.

Any devices with picture-taking capability are prohibited from being used in locker rooms and restrooms. Students must be given permission by the individual prior to taking videos/pictures of other students or staff. Students may not post a photo or video to social media without the consent of the students and staff involved. 

In the event that a student becomes ill during the school day, the school nurse will call the parent/guardian. Students are not to call parents to get themselves out of school. Students will be required to see the health office staff and the office staff will notify parents/guardians.